FETAL-FREE: Honoring those who honor human life

Background & Rationale

An alarming new trend is emerging in the market place:  The use of fetal cells and derivatives of fetal cells in everyday consumer goods ranging from face cream to vaccines to soft drinks.

Although this trend is in its infancy and has not yet become widespread, there is ample reason to think that it will continue to spread:

·        The SEC recently ruled that corporations are not obligated to inform shareholders if fetal cells were used in product research and development;

·        FDA regulations do not mandate disclosure of fetal cells in products if they exist in small enough amounts, and/or if  their presence is part of the "proprietary blend" of a product;

·        Even if fetal-cells are revealed in ingredient lists, they may be identified in such obscure or scientific terms that the common, non-scientist lay person may not be alerted to their presence;

·        Given the 55 million aborted fetuses worldwide each year, there is an abundant supply of available fetal material;

·        Fetal cadavers are a ready source of collagen, protein, keratin, cartilage, DNA, RNA, stem-cells, and many other biologic "resources needed by industry”;

·        The fact that fetuses are human means that their cells do not prompt as great an allergic response in other humans as may other animal cells (cows, mice, pigs, etc.);

·        There are vast sums of money to be made in the transportation and procuring of fetal tissue (it is currently illegal to make money from the fetal tissue itself, but other fees make-up for this regulative restriction);

·        Corporations may justify the use of fetal tissue on the grounds that it represents expeditious and enterprising resource management of already deceased, not fully developed humans.

Notwithstanding the above considerations, this trafficking in human tissue poses a serious concern to many consumers for a number of reasons.  The moral/ethical implications of using human tissue in this manner are highly disturbing:

·        The use and trafficking of fetal parts is dehumanizing and calls into question basic rights of our species – even those extended to the dead and/or not fully developed;

·      The lessons of history –as reflected in the Nuremberg Code – have taught that there is something morally objectionable about using ill-gotten information obtained at the expense of humanity, no matter the utilitarian value of the information;

·        Money is being generated by the trafficking of human fetal parts to support these industries, but the “contributors”—mothers, aborted babies – do not stand to gain from this industry.  This is exploitation at its grimmest!;

·        The industry demands "fresh and whole" tissue, meaning that fetuses—even those fully neurologically and anatomically-developed--are often dissected while still living to obtain the desired product—an unthinkably inhumane and cruel practice for any species;

·        The health effects of introducing fetal DNA to our bodies are unknown, and there is surfacing evidence that the genes of fetal cells may merge with the genes of the receiving person, thereby altering their DNA in unpredictable, potentially deleterious ways;

·        There are numerous alternatives to fetal stem cells, including plant sources.

History teaches that the powerful have been de-personifying human beings to justify exploitation of their fellow man to gain power, control, and wealth.  As a people, we have already learned--often the hard way-- that,

·         Women are equally valuable and should not be devalued;

·         People of different color and nationality are equally valuable and should not be exploited;

·         Those with handicaps are equally valuable and should not be dehumanized etc. 

When will we acknowledge that even the most innocent and powerless among us, still hidden in the womb, is equally valuable and should not be commodified?              

The harvesting of fetal-cells represents yet another frontier of dehumanization, yet another instance of unchecked corporations exploiting human beings for commercial gain.  What is to stop the next step on this continuum?  Perhaps,

·         Morgues viewing their deceased human clients as resources to be sold for monetary gain? 

·         Or the intentional killing of mentally incompetent people to harvest their organs for their fully competent counterparts? 

·         Or why not mandate early termination of felons and the elderly to harvest their parts so that they can contribute positively to society as a resource in the biologics realm?

We must stem the erosion of human rights, as a people, and re-establish that humanity is not a tool for corporate or governmental gain, but that corporations and governments are tools for humanity's gain.

We as individuals and collectively CAN make a difference!  If we join our voices together and spend our money consistently with our beliefs, we have the power to influence corporate and governmental behavior!  We must stop this emergent trend now, before it becomes entrenched, common market practice.