Take Action
To arrest this emergent practice, we must join together and take action--no matter how seemingly small. As evidenced by the recent reversal in PepsiCo's corporate statement, WE CAN CHANGE HISTORY! So please do something to shape the world for good, for this and the generations to come.
Write your Representative
2012 Directory of US House of Representatives
Petition Companies
Please write your own plea to companies or cut and paste the form letter below and send to any company that you want to influence.
For a list of possible or known offenders, click PRODUCTS link and then click on each company name for a complete listing of their subsidiary companies and products.
Dear _____________________________________ (Company Name of your Choice),
We, the consumers of the world, demand
that manufacturers and distributors of commercial goods provide clear
product labeling that informs if your company utilizes fetal-cells or any
fetal-derivatives* in the research, development, manufacturing, or any
stage of their product’s life-cycle.
Further, we strongly urge companies that have NOT utilized fetal-cells
or their derivatives to highlight this so that we can make informed
decisions regarding our purchases.
We consumers demand full disclosure so that we do not inadvertently support or participate in unethical, unhealthy practices that your actions impose upon us!
We call on companies to be transparent so that we can spend our money
and care for our bodies in a manner that we choose!
Companies take note: A product label certifying that a
product is Fetal-free would provide a strong incentive to purchase a
given brand over a comparable, non-certified brand.
Derivatives are defined as: Cell lines or components of cell lines that
were grown from an original batch of fetal cells, or products that
utilized fetal stem cells in their development, but which do not
themselves contain stem cells.
_____________________________________________________ (Name)
________________________________________________ (City), _____________ (State)
_________________ (Zip) _________________________ (Country)
_____________________________________________________ (Email)
___________________________ (Date)